Product Specifications:
- Plant Pot Size: 20 cm
- Plant Pot Weight: 1 Kg
- These products are natural plants so they won't be as the photos 100%.
- Product Code: IN012-P007
- The delivery service is available in Cairo & Giza only.
Care Instructions:
- Exposure to direct sunlight, but they have light needs like any plant, so it is preferable to place them inside the house next to a window opening to illuminate the sun in order to obtain their light needs from the indirect light of the sun.
- Do not rely on lighting bulbs in the indoor rooms, as they are not sufficient to satisfy the light needs of the plant.
- Lack of lighting may lead to leaf fall and poor growth, and direct sun may lead to pale green color and death at the end.
- As the soil dries slowly due to its distance from the sun's heat and the slow plant consumption of water. It is also usually planted in peat moss soil, which has the property of retaining water. The amount of water suitable for the plant is a matter of discretion, according to the size of the pot, so distribute the water around the stem of the plant in an amount that moistens the soil only, do not submerge it.
- Avoid completely watering your plants when the soil is wet, as this will lead to rotting roots and death of plants.
- Make sure the soil is dry first. Also, do not leave the plant in a state of thirst for more than a day to avoid dehydration and death of the plant, especially in summer.
- if you find that the leaves of the plant have begun to yellow and fall off, then this is a sign of excess irrigation water than needed, so the amount of irrigation must be reduced and the soil must be dry before irrigation.
- Fertilizing plants is necessary to replace the lost elements from the soil due to plant consumption. Put a small spoon of fertilizer (not full) on a liter of water and shake well until it dissolves, then irrigate your plants with this solution once every 10 days in summer and once every month in winter.
- Each plant takes an amount of fertilization solution equal to the same amount of regular irrigation water, according to the size of its pot (If you used to water a plant with a quarter of a liter, then its need of the solution would be a quarter of a liter, and so on)
- If a quantity of the solution remains after the completion of the composting process, it must be disposed of because it is not preferable to store it and reuse it again at the next composting date.
- o not overuse fertilization because it has an adverse effect on the plant (plant poisoning). - Keep away from children, in a dry place, and away from the sun.
- Wipe the leaves from the dust with a damp cloth once a week to improve plant growth.
- Dip a piece of cloth in liquid soapy water and wipe the upper and lower surface of the leaves as a precaution against the growth of any insects or fungi on the plant (for example, once every two weeks), while avoiding falling